J. W. Goethe, Viaggio in Italia (1786 - 1788)
The most Beautiful Flower
A precious perl, set in the green, two steps far from home,
to reach in a second and leave everything behind, for one
day, for one month or just for a hour, whats enough
to relax the body and the spirit: this is the Appennine,
our Appennine.
A continuous raid of green, shining in all its gradations
and a running of shents, from the humid of the earth to
the cutgrass, from the fair flowers eyeing in the fields
at spring , to the first leaves fallingaway.
And if in the city the warmth becomes soffocating, or the
greyness of the buildings brings a littleof sadness, this
little outdoor trip offers greatpossibilities,
forall tastes, for all ages, for all wallets.
The Appennine collects in itself all that youcan desire:
renewal of the traditions, culture, history, but also sport,
mouvement, trekking, healthy use of free time, good cuisine,
pools and whatever cangladdens the visitor.
Very close to the urban centers, our zones offer incredible
advantages, which is sufficient to discover and try, like
the joy of tasting again the pleasure of friendship, of
the group, of thehappy company, or the quietness of peace,
of silence, of intimity:here there is only to choose; and
it doesnt occur to be poets to appreciate the beauties
of which we are surrounded
.each one of us hides in
himself a desire of peace, of harmony with the world, which
desires to come back on the surfaceevery time the adverse
circumstances try to soffocate it, but in the right place,
with the right balance, it canmerge leaving us, at least
for a bit, blissful arbiter of ourexistence.
Author: Veronica Teglia