"Gli Appennini sono per me un pezzo meraviglioso del creato. Alla grande pianura della regione padana segue una catena di monti che si eleva dal basso per chiudere verso sud il continente tra due mari (....) è un così bizzarro groviglio di pareti montuose a ridosso l'una dall'altra; spesso non si può nemmeno distinguere in che direzione scorre l'acqua."
J. W. Goethe, Viaggio in Italia (1786 - 1788)
The word…magic formula of human expression, from the childish syllable of a baby to the last word of the dying.

It’s the simple, instictive, spontaneous word which saved a cultural heritage that would have been completely lost instead, and the constant work of volunteers that have caught the essence of it, so we can appreciate scenes of Appenninic life, handed down by the ancestors, who had nothing to do with writing if not some priest, phisician or druggist or other relevant charachter in the life of town.

And it’s like this that we can hear what constituted our granfathers’life, the patrimony of “lived” that they have always shown in their lullabies, songs, proverbs, ballads, without counting stories “zirudelle” and rigmaroles.

It wasn’t simple, for who made it, retrace from quartier to quartier, from house to house, the old, sometimes reserved, marvellous masters of poetry, rhymes, melodies, but if our heirs will be able to understand and appreciate what was in their past, from the precious testimonies and in a direct, effective way, the old and who dedicated to them great part of his free time will be the one to thank.

Appennino Web

History, infact, can be told in thousand ways: there are the great heroes and the small hidden men, not less valorous, there are the great castles and the old, narrow, stony huts, the famous classic poems and the simple stories of the every day life, the legends handed down from generation to generation.

And so the Appennino has transmitted its witticism, its ways of saying and proverbs, small cutoffs of life and crumbs of wisdom.

Happy words, jokes, ironical orserious, thoughtful or metaphoric, coming always from knowledges and ancient experiences, many, for many topics.

Small historic and sapiential heritage, come till us, in fact, through “oral” transmission, since, till the end of the XIX century, in our Appennino, just the dialect was spoken and the great majority didn’t know how to write.

It’s really through these words, authentic “pearls” of communication, that is easier and more pleasant to reconstruct the history of the mountain man and of his world.

Author: Veronica Teglia

S. M. R. Visita il Bacino di Suviana 07-09-1933
Foto concessa dalla Famiglia Tovoli (Suviana)

2- Costruzione Bacino di Suviana
Foto concessa dalla Famiglia Tovoli (Suviana)


Zirudella dedicata, a un paese tanto amato....
Pian del Voglio, questo è il nome
e nel dirlo, senti come, un sommesso chiacchierare che un po' indietro fa tornare......
guarda, è nonno! Guarda, è zio! E ci sono pure io!
Un po' piccolo, si sa, ma il tempo corre e va!
Or che grande sono invero
porto sempre nel pensiero, questo piccolo paese
con il grande cuor cortese
con le strade e con le case, dal profumo, sempre, invase!
Questo luogo io amo tanto.......
qui si sta che è un incanto, qui la vita è proprio bella....................
Toch e dài la zirudella!

Autore: Veronica Teglia