"Gli Appennini sono per me un pezzo meraviglioso del creato. Alla grande pianura della regione padana segue una catena di monti che si eleva dal basso per chiudere verso sud il continente tra due mari (....) è un così bizzarro groviglio di pareti montuose a ridosso l'una dall'altra; spesso non si può nemmeno distinguere in che direzione scorre l'acqua."
J. W. Goethe, Viaggio in Italia (1786 - 1788)

This museal structure is managed by the Archeologic Group of Bruscoli, cultural association born in 1989 with the direct intention of dating and studying the historical events of this settlement and of the valleys of the district of the nearby Futa Pass.
With the important collaboration of the Comune of Fiorenzuola was possible the realization of a permanent didactic exhibition, inauguratedinAugust 1994. As expositive site were used the halls of the primary school, that the abovesaid common administration kindly conceeded.

The circuit of the museum is divided in three different sections. The first one dedicated to the “geo-archeologichal traces”,where are collected many objects found during digging campaign patroned by the Direzione della Soprintendenza Archeologicafor the Tuscany.
These investigations were executed along the pavements of the ancient principal routes and also on therests of the Medieval castle, belonged to the count Alberti di Bruscoli.
The second one enters the deal of “uses and habits of the country civilization”, in which it’s possible to look at tools and utensils of different kinds, used by our grandfathers, and also reconstructions of rural and artisanal environments, such as the interior of a kitchen and the cobbler and farrier shops.

Then, the third section includes the “war residues of the second world conflict”. Here it’s possible to admire weapons, ammos, uniforms, furnishing and military equipment, always strictly connectedto the local presence of the front constituted by the Gothic Line, which, for an entire winter, cut in two enemy areas ourAppennine from Rimini up to Liguria.
These interesting sections are enriched by the support of documents and in particular of a wonderful plastic reconstruction of the Medieval fort that dominated the whole territory around from the Poggio of San Martino.

Recently the Museum of Bruscoli has included a collection of postcards and ancient images and also modern objects.

Author:  Maurizio Valentini   presente nel fascicolo Due passi nella storia creato dal  Centro Documentazione Pianese, patrocinato dal Gruppo Savena Setta Sambro.

Aperto tutti i giorni festivi dalle 15 - 18.30

Mese di Agosto: aperto tutti i giorni


Gruppo Archeologico di Bruscoli, Via della Chiesa,4   50030 Bruscoli -  Firenze
Il sito ufficiale del museo è: http://digilander.iol.it/museobruscoli